Sunday, May 16, 2010

Indian Jewelry - Totaled


Biggest disappointment of the year. It's not that Indian Jewelry makes simple music. It's for sure not like they make music that sounds good. They are the best at making ugly music that sounds offensive. Thats why they are at the top of the drone scene. IJ's cult fallowing will love whatever they put out. "They're artsy, misunderstood" That may be, but their 2010 release does not stand up to any other LP they're ever put out.

It's not easy for me to admit that this album is flat and uninspired and they're one of my favorite bands. But this really isn't good. Compare "Totaled" to their previous albums. "Free Gold!" showed listeners that they can successfully add a number of ethnic influences into their drone drenched ugly sound. "Invasive exotics" was dark, borderline gothic and had a good amount of electronic sound. Their debut "We Are The Wild Beast" was loud as hell, but still perfectly distinguishable. "Totaled" just sounds like a tired mix of everything they've already done, in a more "pop" way. When I say more "pop", I mean they ditched the weirdness. If I had to put on an indian jewelry album with my grandma, it would be totaled.

It's not a terrible album, it just doesn't stack up to the rest.

Sounds Like
darkwave disco indian jewelry

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