Garage rock just sounds so much better when the production sucks, and it sounds old, authentic. Classic garage rock bands like The Sonics, The Seeds, Shadows of Knight, The Animals and The Troggs demonstrate that raw sound. To me, garage rock was the beginning of punk, and that last stand of rock.
Since the early days of garage rock, there's been quite a few altercations to the genre and scene. Gospel, surf, horror, hardcore, psychedelic, rhythm and blues and even country have tweaked the basic foundation of garage rock to fit the scene.
Here we have the newest from Los Peyotes, who hail from Argentina. iCavernicola! has everything you'd want from a good garage band. Dirty choppy guitar, lo-fi production and a punk foundation. The focus more on the surf side, but they also have the organ from those old horror movies which makes them sound like Early Horrors (same band that did Primary Colors). They sound just like the Horror's first album Strange House except with spanish influence. They even share a song title "Jack The Ripper" which sound similar.
The track When I Arrive puts use to a lot of good effects and El Humo Te Hace Mal is a drunken chant of horror punk. The entire album is laced with horror organs, gritty lyrics and screams. All without sounding like the misfits in any way.
A great horror punk album.
Sounds Like
Mexican horror/surf punk
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